Sunday, July 5, 2009

Two Days!!!!

Right now I am super duper excited for Ottawa! It is only in 2 DAYS!!! Well, today, I went to Moncton to hear Grace's sisters Evelyn, Magan, and Sheila perform with the Exalt Choir. They did AWESOME! I really want to be in Exalt next year. (It is a two week long traveling choir) I'm not sure what else to write, so bye :)


  1. Yay Ottawa!

    Your Mom gave us your note. I didn't know Evelyn sang. Glad to hear it was good.

    Is that why you and Grace took over Evelyn's stall at the KP? Or was it your stall?

    Certain 'personages who shall remain un-named' did not show up, to Margie's great relief.


  2. Yes, she does sing. It was actually Megan's table we took over, because we can't make cheesecake:P I'm glad you got my note. Haha, "certain personages" didn't show? Haha, good for Margie:P
