Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been kinda busy. On Thursday I went to St. Martin's with my mom, Rachel, and her mom, I can't remember what I did on Friday, but Saturday, Grace came over. I was so happy to see her since we usually see each other all the time! Sunday I went to church, then I hung out with Andrea, who I missed a HUGE bundle since we haven't seen each other for a really long time. Yesterday, I went to the bech and met up with Grace and her brother, the McGraws, and the Caldwells. It was very fun. I'm gonna go now, but I am going to post some pictures... since a certain someone has been nagging me to do so (coughcough GRACE coughcough.. JK:P)
Bye :D


  1. Well, posting the pictures didn't exactly work... but I will try again later!

  2. It's like me...
    HOw am i supposed to remember what I did on Sunday?? IT was all of 2 days ago..come on...
