Friday, October 30, 2009

Sorry :S

So yes, I know I have not blogged in FOREVER! But really, it doesn't feel that long. Since then I have basically been doing normal things. I now have 2 puppet practices a week, on Sunday and Monday evenings. We are practicing for Rhoda's Christmas Craft Sale (I think that is what it is called, but not absolutely sure) and that is at Harbor Station the second last weekend in November. I am so excited! Last night I got my hair cut. It is really short and layery ( I don't think that is a word, but just run with it, k?) I really like it. But I can't put it in a pony tail, or really any other up-do. Oh well, beauty has it's cost. I woke up this morning and my neck hurts SO BAD! I have one of those bean hot bag tings on and it is sort of helping. I am going swimming today and I am so excited! I love swimming!!!!!!!So I'm not really sure what I am doing tomorrow... hopefully something fun. Grace says I should dress up as the ugly duckling. I think it is a brilliant idea. Hey, I can probably pull it off! Any way, I should go work on my essay on Animal Farm essay so Byyee!!


  1. yay, you posted!

    Ooh, all of this sounds fun... i want to see your new haircut! It sounds really pretty. (layers bug the crap out of me too,because I also always get them too short and I can't put them up in quick ponytails anymore.)

    The ugly duckling? Totally! Not sure how you would do it though... gray feathery body suit and bird beak/mask.

    Have fun tomorrow! (whatever you do)

  2. Yey! Can't wait to see your hair! Now you know how I felt back in May! Short layered hair looks great but it is a pain...
    Yey Rhoda's! Have fun...
    Lots of exclamation points...
